Places to avoid in Lima

Lima, the capital city of Peru, is a vibrant and diverse destination known for its historical sites, culinary scene, and cultural attractions.

While Lima is generally safe for tourists, there are certain areas or situations that visitors might want to approach with caution. Here are some points to consider:

  1. Central Lima at Night: While Central Lima, including areas like Plaza de Armas, is popular during the day for its historical sites and architecture, it’s advisable to exercise caution when walking around these areas at night. Stick to well-lit and populated streets.
  2. Callao: Callao is a port city adjacent to Lima, and while it has some attractions, it’s known for higher crime rates compared to other parts of Lima. Visitors might consider avoiding certain areas of Callao, especially at night.
  3. El Agustino and La Victoria: These neighborhoods have had higher crime rates in the past. While there are areas in these neighborhoods that are safe, it’s wise to do thorough research and exercise caution.
  4. Public Transportation During Rush Hours: Lima’s public transportation can get crowded, especially during rush hours. Be cautious of your belongings and stay aware of your surroundings.
  5. Beware of Taxi Scams: Stick to registered taxi companies or use ride-sharing apps to avoid potential taxi scams. Make sure the meter is used or agree on the fare before starting the journey.
  6. Miraflores Cliffs at Night: While Miraflores is a popular and safe area, be cautious when walking along the cliffs overlooking the ocean at night. Stick to well-lit paths and avoid isolated areas.
  7. Petty Theft and Pickpocketing: As with any tourist destination, be cautious of petty theft and keep an eye on your belongings, especially in crowded areas, markets, and public transportation.
  8. Avoid Unauthorized Tour Guides: When visiting attractions or taking tours, use authorized and licensed guides to ensure a quality experience.
  9. Cultural Sensitivity: Respect local customs and traditions. Dress modestly when visiting religious sites and follow any rules or guidelines.

Lima has a lot to offer and is generally safe for tourists, but these suggestions can help you navigate your visit with awareness and caution. Always stay informed about your surroundings, follow local advice, and engage in respectful interactions to have a positive and memorable experience in Lima.